Really dry hazelnuts is not a nice combo for chocolate. No go for Mondolez Spanish brand Suchard. I hope they make better stuff.
Points to the right —>
Tag: chocolatetv
ChocolateTV episode 462
Surprisingly aromatic supermarket brand chocolate. A lot of citrus on the nose. More grapefruit and dark chocolate on the palate.
Well, not bad for $1.5
Points to the right —>
ChocolateTV episode 461
Well, as a chocolate product, it’s no good. As alicorice product this is one to seek out. Oh my, what a nivce salty licorice treat.
Iceland delivers really good licorice. Really!
Points to the right —>
ChocolateTV episode 460
Salty nuts with muted flavour mixed with very sweet milk chocolate does not do it for me. Candy for sure, chocolate not so much.
Points to the right —>
ChocolateTV epsiode 459
Tropical fruit puré with cacao, or dried tropical fruit bits with cacao, what is it and how does it actually taste in his mouth.
In yours we don’t have a clue. Try it out yourselves. 🙂
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ChocolateTV episode 458
Prepared for a flavour bomb this one surprised me with very muted and mild flavours. Hmm, and where did the chocolate go?
Points to the right —>
ChocolateTV episode 457
Dark chocolate with nice red berries and an acidity that balance the bitterness of the chocolate.
Some hints of sweetness makes this a really good pure bar of chocolate.
Points to the right —>
ChocolateTV episode 456
A tropical fruit salad made entirely of cacao, who knew? I did 😉 It exists and sometimes it come by my desk, nose and palate.
Lucky me!
Points to the right —>