ChocolateTV episode 321

Another great chocolate from german manufacturer Georgia Ramon. Beans from Haiti, flavours from food for the gods 🙂 80%, dark, dunkel, noir,
Points to the right –>

4 thoughts on “ChocolateTV episode 321”

  1. True Mathew, many red wines with a little bit of umph and maybe som sweet character go very well with dark chocolate. It al depend on the chocolate and the wine. An acidict chocolate can be just fine with a tart Bourgone. It’s alwasy up to the combination.

  2. We often have high percentage 80-92% chocolate with the remnants of whatever bottle of red wine we may be finishing up after a meal. The match with many reds is just fine. Port is the classic match, but I don’t think you have to go that far.

  3. They just eat it.
    Or with rum, scotch, whiskey or a glass of dessert wine
    The later is my treat 🙂

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