Another face off. This time islands in the ocean. Madagascar against San Domingo. Michel Cluizel makes chocolate from different countries.
Scores available under Points menu to the right —>
Worlds longest running chocolate review vlog
Another face off. This time islands in the ocean. Madagascar against San Domingo. Michel Cluizel makes chocolate from different countries.
Scores available under Points menu to the right —>
We try chocolate made by Michel Cluizel, France. One from Grenade and one from Ghana. West indies against Africa
Score can be found under Points in the menu to the right —>
Points scored in Episode 50.
Valrhona Alpaco 66% Beans Arriba Points 7 out of 10 with
Valor 70% Beans ? Points 7 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 49.
1848 86% Beans ? Points 6 out of 10 with
Tenuta del Conte 2009
Graacher Himmelriech Riesling 2008 Spätlese
De Bortoli Noble One 2000
Points scored in Episode 48.
Maglio Messio 40% Beans Criollo/Forasteros Points 5 out of 10
Michel Cluizel Lait 47% Beans Forasteros Points 4 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 47.
Con Amore White Coconut Beans ? Points 0 out of 10
Con Amore Orange 74% Beans, ? Points 4 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 46.
Maglio Ecuador 70% Beans Forestros Amenolado Points 7out of 10
Maglio Africa 75% Beans Forestros Tanzanie Points 6out of 10
Points scored in Episode 45.
Amedei Porcelana 70% Beans Criollo Porcelana Points 9 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 44.
World Market Sea Salt 64% Beans ? Points 6 out of 10
Tohi Almond salces 74% Beans ? Points 5 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 43.
Amano Montanya 70% Beans Criollo Points 8 out of 10
tried with Domaiane Cros Rose (a rodé wine) and Le Racine Les Pallieres ( a red wine)
Points scored in Episode 42.
Amano Montanya 70% Beans Criollo Points 8 out of 10
Askinosie San Jose Del Tambo 70% Beans Arriba National Points 7 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 41.
Different chocolates with champagne. Is it any good?
Scharffen Berger Bittersweet 70% , not bad if you really like redcurrant!
The Grenada Chocolate Company Organic 71% , well meh!
Carletti Coconut marzipan. Yep that works just fine!
Points scored in Episode 40.
Scharffen Berger Bittersweet 70% Beans ? Points 8 out of 10
Ghirardelli Midnight reverie 86% Beans ? Points 7 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 39.
Malmoe Ecuador 70% Beans Arriba National Points 8 out of 10
Malmoe Chuao 70% Beans Criollo Points 8 out of 10
tried with a swedish christmas beer (Nils Oscar Kalasjulöl)
Points scored in Episode 38.
Malted Moo Moo 545% Beans Arriba National Points 7 out of 10
Zingerman’s El Rustico Bar 70 % Beans Soconusco Points 7 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 37.
The Grenada Chocolate Company Organic 71% Beans Trinitario/Forastero Points 9 out of 10
Maestrani Organic 72% Beans ? Points 7 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 36.
Beschle Criollo Venezuela 88% Beans Criollo 8 out of 10
La Molina 100 % Beans ? 6 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 35.
Beschle Trinitario, Madagascar 64% Beans Trinitario 8 out of 10
Beschle Gran Cru Arriba, Beans Arriba National Ecuador 72% 9 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 34.
Amano Ocumare 70% Beans Criollo Score 7 out of 10
Tried with three different beers
Points scored in Episode 33.
Kallari 75% Beans Arriba National Score 7 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 32.
Kallari 70% Beans Arriba National Score 9 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 31.
Valrhona Ampamakia 2010 64 % Beans Criolli/Trinitario Score 8 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 30.
Valrhona Gran Couva 2010 64 % Beans Criolli/Trinitario Score 8 out of 10
Valrhona Palmira 2010 64% Beans Criollo Score 8 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 29.
Venchi Puro Extra Fondente 85% Beans ? Score 7 out of 10
U Degustation Noir 85% Score 5out of 10
Points scored in Episode 28.
Anton Berg Lingonberry 50% Beans ? Score 3 out of 10
Valrhone coffe stick Beans ? Score 3 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 27.
Madame de Margaux 68% Beans ? Score 7 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 26.
Galler Virtuous 60% Beans ? Score 5 out of 10
Montezuma Extra Dark 75% Organic Beans Trinitario Score 6 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 25.
Café Tasse 77% Beans ? Score 7 out of 10
Onnerup Tanzanie 75% Beans Tanzania? Score 7 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 24.
Vanini Cacao Intesno 49% Beans ? Score 5 out of 10
VaniniEucuador 73% Beans Arriba Score 9 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 23.
Vanini Bianco, 30% Beans ? Score 5 out of 10
Vanini extra Cremoso 39% Beans ? Score 6 out of 10
Vanini Madagaskar 70% Beans Criollo/TrinitarioScore 8 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 22.
Lindt Dark A touch of Sea Salt 70% Beans ? Score 6 out of 10
Lindt Dark Chili 70% Beans ? Score 5 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 21.
Valrhona Caraibe 66%
Beans Criollo/Trinitario Score 7 out of 10
A Xoco Ocumare 67% Beans Criollo Score 7 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 20.
1848 Noir 76%
Beans ? Score 6 out of 10
Valrhona Le Noir 71% Beans Trinitario/Criollo Score 7 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 19.
L’artigiano de Gardini Cacao e Sale Dolce 54%
Beans ? Score 5 out of 10
L’artigiano de Gardini Cacao e Sale Dolce 70% Beans ? Score 7 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 18.
Galler Equatorie 80% Beans Forastero Score 8 out of 10
Galler Heritage 85% Beans Criollo/Forastero Score 7 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 17.
Hoja Verde Ecuador Fino arriba 72% Beans Arriba Score 7 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 16.
Amedie Toscana Brown 34% Beans Trinitario Score 5 out of 10
Amedie No 9 75% Beans
Trinitario Score 8 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 15.
Amedie Toscana Black 63% Beans Trinitario Score 8 out of 10
Amedie Toscana Black 70% Beans Trinitario Score 8 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 14. The Wedding Chocolate
Cloetta Blueberry praline Score 4 out of 10
Cloetta Hazelnut praline Score 6 out of 10
Cloetta Lingonberry praline Score 5 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 13.
Moulin Des Moines 74% Beans ? Score 8 out of 10
Venchi Puro 75% Beans ?
Score 5 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 12.
Galler Blended Papau New Guniea 60% Beans Forasteros Arriba
Score 5 out of 10
A Xoco, SOriginal Trinitario 68% Beans Tirinitario Score 7 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 11.
Valrhona Cao Grande 70% Beans Criollo Score 7 out of 10
Galler Sao Tome-Tanzania 70% Beans ? Score 7 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 10.
A Xoco, Superior Fermentation 64% Beans Forastero Score 8 out of 10
Valrhona Manjari 64% Beans Trinitario Score 9 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 9.
Michel Cluizel, Java 70% Beans, Trinitario ? Score 8 out of 10
Michel Cluizel, Venezuela 70% Beans Criollo? Score 7 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 8.
Santander Semi dark Colombia 53% Beans Criollo/Trinitario Score 5 out of 10
Santander Dark Colombia 65% Beans Criollo/Trinitario Score 7 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 7.
Amano Madagascar 70% Beans Criollo Score 9 out of 10
Tasted with Chimay Blue, Chateau Haux White Reserv de proprieter and Aprutium Montepulciana d’Abruzzo
Points scored in Episode 6.
Novi Fondente 50% Beans? Score 5 out of 10
Novi Ecuador 75% Beans ? Score 6 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 5.
Novi Fondentenero 72% Beans ? Score 8 out of 10
Baratti e MilanoExtra Fondente 70% Beans ? Score 8 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 4.
Blanxart Origien Ghana 60% Beans Forasteros, Score 5 out of 10
Galler Papouasie Arriba 60% Beans Forasteros Arriba, Score 6 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 3.
Michel Cluizel Madagascar 70% Beans Trinitario, Score 9 out of 10
Michel Cluizel San Domingo 70% Beans Trinitario, Score 7 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 2.
Michel Cluizel Grenada 70% Beans Trinitario, Score 8 out of 10
Michel Cluizel Ghana 70% Beans Forasteros, Score 8 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 1.
Valrhona Guanaja 70% Beans Criollo, Trinitario, Forasteros Score 9 out of 10
Amano Cuyagua 70% Beans Cuyagua (Criollo) Score 8 out of 10
First ever episode of ChocolateTV in english. Episode 29 i reality if you kan understand swedish. Will try to to a show every week in english and swedish.
This tasting we try one american and one french chocolate. Both 70%. Score can be found under Points in the menu to the right —>
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