Let’s taste chocolate with beverages. Tasting an american chocolate with a belgian beer, french white wine and italian red wine.
Worlds longest running chocolate review vlog
Let’s taste chocolate with beverages. Tasting an american chocolate with a belgian beer, french white wine and italian red wine.
Two more Italian chocolates… and a slight cold.
Reviewed and points can be found under Points to the right –>
Back from Italy we try two italian chocolates. Creamy or bitter, that’s the question. Score can be found under… that’s right Points in the menu to the right –>
Squaring off Belgium an d Spain with beans from Papau New Gunia and Ghana. Both 60% cacao content
Points can be seen under Points in the menu to the right —>
Another face off. This time islands in the ocean. Madagascar against San Domingo. Michel Cluizel makes chocolate from different countries.
Scores available under Points menu to the right —>
We try chocolate made by Michel Cluizel, France. One from Grenade and one from Ghana. West indies against Africa
Score can be found under Points in the menu to the right —>
Points scored in Episode 50.
Valrhona Alpaco 66% Beans Arriba Points 7 out of 10 with
Valor 70% Beans ? Points 7 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 49.
1848 86% Beans ? Points 6 out of 10 with
Tenuta del Conte 2009
Graacher Himmelriech Riesling 2008 Spätlese
De Bortoli Noble One 2000
Points scored in Episode 48.
Maglio Messio 40% Beans Criollo/Forasteros Points 5 out of 10
Michel Cluizel Lait 47% Beans Forasteros Points 4 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 47.
Con Amore White Coconut Beans ? Points 0 out of 10
Con Amore Orange 74% Beans, ? Points 4 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 46.
Maglio Ecuador 70% Beans Forestros Amenolado Points 7out of 10
Maglio Africa 75% Beans Forestros Tanzanie Points 6out of 10
Points scored in Episode 45.
Amedei Porcelana 70% Beans Criollo Porcelana Points 9 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 44.
World Market Sea Salt 64% Beans ? Points 6 out of 10
Tohi Almond salces 74% Beans ? Points 5 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 43.
Amano Montanya 70% Beans Criollo Points 8 out of 10
tried with Domaiane Cros Rose (a rodé wine) and Le Racine Les Pallieres ( a red wine)
Points scored in Episode 42.
Amano Montanya 70% Beans Criollo Points 8 out of 10
Askinosie San Jose Del Tambo 70% Beans Arriba National Points 7 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 41.
Different chocolates with champagne. Is it any good?
Scharffen Berger Bittersweet 70% , not bad if you really like redcurrant!
The Grenada Chocolate Company Organic 71% , well meh!
Carletti Coconut marzipan. Yep that works just fine!
Points scored in Episode 40.
Scharffen Berger Bittersweet 70% Beans ? Points 8 out of 10
Ghirardelli Midnight reverie 86% Beans ? Points 7 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 39.
Malmoe Ecuador 70% Beans Arriba National Points 8 out of 10
Malmoe Chuao 70% Beans Criollo Points 8 out of 10
tried with a swedish christmas beer (Nils Oscar Kalasjulöl)
Points scored in Episode 38.
Malted Moo Moo 545% Beans Arriba National Points 7 out of 10
Zingerman’s El Rustico Bar 70 % Beans Soconusco Points 7 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 37.
The Grenada Chocolate Company Organic 71% Beans Trinitario/Forastero Points 9 out of 10
Maestrani Organic 72% Beans ? Points 7 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 36.
Beschle Criollo Venezuela 88% Beans Criollo 8 out of 10
La Molina 100 % Beans ? 6 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 35.
Beschle Trinitario, Madagascar 64% Beans Trinitario 8 out of 10
Beschle Gran Cru Arriba, Beans Arriba National Ecuador 72% 9 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 34.
Amano Ocumare 70% Beans Criollo Score 7 out of 10
Tried with three different beers
Points scored in Episode 33.
Kallari 75% Beans Arriba National Score 7 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 32.
Kallari 70% Beans Arriba National Score 9 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 31.
Valrhona Ampamakia 2010 64 % Beans Criolli/Trinitario Score 8 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 30.
Valrhona Gran Couva 2010 64 % Beans Criolli/Trinitario Score 8 out of 10
Valrhona Palmira 2010 64% Beans Criollo Score 8 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 29.
Venchi Puro Extra Fondente 85% Beans ? Score 7 out of 10
U Degustation Noir 85% Score 5out of 10
Points scored in Episode 28.
Anton Berg Lingonberry 50% Beans ? Score 3 out of 10
Valrhone coffe stick Beans ? Score 3 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 27.
Madame de Margaux 68% Beans ? Score 7 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 26.
Galler Virtuous 60% Beans ? Score 5 out of 10
Montezuma Extra Dark 75% Organic Beans Trinitario Score 6 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 25.
Café Tasse 77% Beans ? Score 7 out of 10
Onnerup Tanzanie 75% Beans Tanzania? Score 7 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 24.
Vanini Cacao Intesno 49% Beans ? Score 5 out of 10
VaniniEucuador 73% Beans Arriba Score 9 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 23.
Vanini Bianco, 30% Beans ? Score 5 out of 10
Vanini extra Cremoso 39% Beans ? Score 6 out of 10
Vanini Madagaskar 70% Beans Criollo/TrinitarioScore 8 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 22.
Lindt Dark A touch of Sea Salt 70% Beans ? Score 6 out of 10
Lindt Dark Chili 70% Beans ? Score 5 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 21.
Valrhona Caraibe 66%
Beans Criollo/Trinitario Score 7 out of 10
A Xoco Ocumare 67% Beans Criollo Score 7 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 20.
1848 Noir 76%
Beans ? Score 6 out of 10
Valrhona Le Noir 71% Beans Trinitario/Criollo Score 7 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 19.
L’artigiano de Gardini Cacao e Sale Dolce 54%
Beans ? Score 5 out of 10
L’artigiano de Gardini Cacao e Sale Dolce 70% Beans ? Score 7 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 18.
Galler Equatorie 80% Beans Forastero Score 8 out of 10
Galler Heritage 85% Beans Criollo/Forastero Score 7 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 17.
Hoja Verde Ecuador Fino arriba 72% Beans Arriba Score 7 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 16.
Amedie Toscana Brown 34% Beans Trinitario Score 5 out of 10
Amedie No 9 75% Beans
Trinitario Score 8 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 15.
Amedie Toscana Black 63% Beans Trinitario Score 8 out of 10
Amedie Toscana Black 70% Beans Trinitario Score 8 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 14. The Wedding Chocolate
Cloetta Blueberry praline Score 4 out of 10
Cloetta Hazelnut praline Score 6 out of 10
Cloetta Lingonberry praline Score 5 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 13.
Moulin Des Moines 74% Beans ? Score 8 out of 10
Venchi Puro 75% Beans ?
Score 5 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 12.
Galler Blended Papau New Guniea 60% Beans Forasteros Arriba
Score 5 out of 10
A Xoco, SOriginal Trinitario 68% Beans Tirinitario Score 7 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 11.
Valrhona Cao Grande 70% Beans Criollo Score 7 out of 10
Galler Sao Tome-Tanzania 70% Beans ? Score 7 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 10.
A Xoco, Superior Fermentation 64% Beans Forastero Score 8 out of 10
Valrhona Manjari 64% Beans Trinitario Score 9 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 9.
Michel Cluizel, Java 70% Beans, Trinitario ? Score 8 out of 10
Michel Cluizel, Venezuela 70% Beans Criollo? Score 7 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 8.
Santander Semi dark Colombia 53% Beans Criollo/Trinitario Score 5 out of 10
Santander Dark Colombia 65% Beans Criollo/Trinitario Score 7 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 7.
Amano Madagascar 70% Beans Criollo Score 9 out of 10
Tasted with Chimay Blue, Chateau Haux White Reserv de proprieter and Aprutium Montepulciana d’Abruzzo
Points scored in Episode 6.
Novi Fondente 50% Beans? Score 5 out of 10
Novi Ecuador 75% Beans ? Score 6 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 5.
Novi Fondentenero 72% Beans ? Score 8 out of 10
Baratti e MilanoExtra Fondente 70% Beans ? Score 8 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 4.
Blanxart Origien Ghana 60% Beans Forasteros, Score 5 out of 10
Galler Papouasie Arriba 60% Beans Forasteros Arriba, Score 6 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 3.
Michel Cluizel Madagascar 70% Beans Trinitario, Score 9 out of 10
Michel Cluizel San Domingo 70% Beans Trinitario, Score 7 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 2.
Michel Cluizel Grenada 70% Beans Trinitario, Score 8 out of 10
Michel Cluizel Ghana 70% Beans Forasteros, Score 8 out of 10
Points scored in Episode 1.
Valrhona Guanaja 70% Beans Criollo, Trinitario, Forasteros Score 9 out of 10
Amano Cuyagua 70% Beans Cuyagua (Criollo) Score 8 out of 10
First ever episode of ChocolateTV in english. Episode 29 i reality if you kan understand swedish. Will try to to a show every week in english and swedish.
This tasting we try one american and one french chocolate. Both 70%. Score can be found under Points in the menu to the right —>
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