Tasting another quality chocolate from Switzerland. Beans from venezuela and then tasting it with a Spanish dessert wine. Cheers chocolate lovers around the world
Worlds longest running chocolate review vlog
Tasting another quality chocolate from Switzerland. Beans from venezuela and then tasting it with a Spanish dessert wine. Cheers chocolate lovers around the world
Going to Latvia and tasting Emils Gustav’s flavoured chocolates. One milk chocolate with lemon and sea salt, one dark chocolate with black currant. What goes best for Anders. Points —>
Going to nibble on some nib infused chocolate from the Caribbean. Good? Yes!
Watch. Points —>
Trinitario beans from Philippines, goat milk and sea salt. Can that be a good american artisan chocolate. Watch and find out. Points under—- >
The Grenada Chocolate Company features two chocolates, 60% and 82%. Trinitario beans. Find out if you should buy chocolate from the West indies. Points as always —>
Askinosie Chocolate in collaborating with a Swedish licorice company making av flavoured bar. IS collaboration good for flavours? Points —>
Welcome to a wine tribute. I’ll tried my best, Hope ypu all enjoy it. Cheers.
So what about an chocolate with olive oil? Can that be chocolate, tasty or even good. Find out.
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