Let’s taste chocolate with beverages. Tasting an american chocolate with a belgian beer, french white wine and italian red wine.
Worlds longest running chocolate review vlog
Let’s taste chocolate with beverages. Tasting an american chocolate with a belgian beer, french white wine and italian red wine.
Two more Italian chocolates… and a slight cold.
Reviewed and points can be found under Points to the right –>
Back from Italy we try two italian chocolates. Creamy or bitter, that’s the question. Score can be found under… that’s right Points in the menu to the right –>
Squaring off Belgium an d Spain with beans from Papau New Gunia and Ghana. Both 60% cacao content
Points can be seen under Points in the menu to the right —>
Another face off. This time islands in the ocean. Madagascar against San Domingo. Michel Cluizel makes chocolate from different countries.
Scores available under Points menu to the right —>
We try chocolate made by Michel Cluizel, France. One from Grenade and one from Ghana. West indies against Africa
Score can be found under Points in the menu to the right —>
First ever episode of ChocolateTV in english. Episode 29 i reality if you kan understand swedish. Will try to to a show every week in english and swedish.
This tasting we try one american and one french chocolate. Both 70%. Score can be found under Points in the menu to the right —>
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