Trying French and Italian chocolate and then try them both with a Gigondas Wine
Worlds longest running chocolate review vlog
Trying French and Italian chocolate and then try them both with a Gigondas Wine
Galler And A Xoco face off. 60 against 68% cocoa count. Papau Nwe Gunies agaist Trinidad. Who scores what? Points can be found to the right —>
Belgium vs France. 70% cacao. Who’s better, more exotic, what tastes what?
Points under Points to the right —>
This week on ChocolateTV two 64% chocolates square off. Danish against french, Ghana versus Madagascar.
Points? As usual under Points in the menu to the right –>
Episode 9 , two chocolates with one wine. What chocolate goes with a portugese wine?
Points scored for the chocolate, well it’s in the menu to the right —>
We try two colombian chocolates. Santander is the manufacturer. Score can be seen under Points in the menu to the right –>
Let’s taste chocolate with beverages. Tasting an american chocolate with a belgian beer, french white wine and italian red wine.
Two more Italian chocolates… and a slight cold.
Reviewed and points can be found under Points to the right –>
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