One chocolate to test a trend. Nibs i Chocolate bars. Will it enhance the chocolate bar or what. Find out.
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Worlds longest running chocolate review vlog
One chocolate to test a trend. Nibs i Chocolate bars. Will it enhance the chocolate bar or what. Find out.
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Celebrating 90 episodes with Kraft food product and a 25 year old whiskey. The spirits helped. Watch and enjoy.
Old chocolate to commemorate a vintage chocolate gone. Varhonas Palmira exist no more so we try 2007 🙂
Flavoured chocolate from Latvia. Emils Gustavs Licorice Peppermint. Is that a good combo? Find out. Point scored also under Points —>
Amano, artisan chocolate from Utah tried. Beans from bali. What a chocolate from bali taste like? Find out. and have a nice Holiday season.
Champagne truffles with three typical Swedish Christmas beverages. What’s Anders fav and what is your favourite combo. Let us know.
Two very dark chocolates, high cocoa count. 85 and 99 % Can one eat this and what beverage goes best, dessert wine or whiskey? Find out. Points —>
Valrhona vintage chocolates Grand Couva and Ampamakia tested. What about this years taste? Is it a good vintage? Point to the right —->
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