Fruit de mere is a classic chocolate treat. Is it chocolate is the question. Watch and discuss.
Category: Episodes
ChocolateTV episode 122
Two chocolate bars tasted. Marabou Lemon vs Mazet Venezuela, Swede vs Swizz. Both 70% Points to the right —>
ChocolateTV episode 121
Going old vintage chocolate. 2009 Valrhona vintages, can you eat that. Watch the beer matching at the end too 🙂 Points to the right —>
ChocolateTV episode 120
Candy choclate bars tested. Are there any chocolate taste in them? Are they better with a beer? Points to the right —>
ChocolateTV episode 119
Tasting English manufacturer Divine. White with strawberry and dark. Fairtrade, thats good. Are the chocolates any good? Points to the right —>
ChocolateTV episode 118
Tasting one Belgian and one Swedish chocolate. Pure or flavoured. Watch and comment. Points to the right —>
ChocolateTV episode 117
Superfood chpocolates? Belgian manufacturer New Tree have a lot of different functional chocolates. Are these two good chocolates? Find out. Point to the right —>
ChocolateTV episode 116
Chocolate (?) bars tested. Yankee bar from Denmark. Treat, sweet och chocolate. Watch and learn.
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