Patric chocolate, new to Sweden. USA made in Missouri (whatever I say)? Any good. Watch and find out. Points —>
Category: Episodes
ChocolateTV episode 130
New stuff from Valrhona. Any good, up to par, business as usual?
Points to the right –>
ChocolateTV episode 129
Two beers with chocloate in. Can you drink them at all or are they a treat for chocolate lovers? Points to the right —>
ChocolateTV episode 128
Cookies, chocolate milk and then a bar. Any chococlate anywhere?. Points to the right —>
ChocolateTV episode 127
Vintage chocolate from France. 13 th time I try Valrhona Gran Couva and ninth time the Ampamakia. Is 2012 something to really buy? Watch. Point to the right —>
ChocolateTV episode 126
The vintage chocolate is delayed to Anders. Testing two flavoured instead. Raspberry from Estonia and Orange from Poland. A battle of the Baltic. Who comes out on top? Points —>
ChocolateTV episode 125
Going really nerdy Belgian on the chocolate and the supplement. Beer 🙂 Points to the right —>
ChocolateTV episode 124
Polish chocolate tested. One with and one without sugar. Both 70% cacao. Treats or not? Points to the right —>